Research & Development
Science4Life spends the most on Research and Development (R&D) to identify and create innovations for improving its products and services. The purpose of R&D is to ensure the high quality of its products and services, as well as the high competition both nationally and internationally, to satisfy current and potential customers. By investing in different areas, such as agri-food, environmental, biological, chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, hydrological and petrochemical fields, Science4life aims to:
- the development and optimization of extraction and separation processes of bioactive compounds present in complex food matrices and by-products from the agri-food and industrial areas;
- the research of bioactive molecules counteracting foodborne illness, for the formulation of dietary supplements and food products;
- research and develop new technologies for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste to promote
their reduction and/or exploitation as innovative and renewable energy sources.
Peer-reviewed publications
Conference proceedings