Science4Life offers qualified consulting services in the field of cosmetics during the production and marketing phases, respecting the actual European regulations. For these purposes, the company then provides:
- support for the development of the cosmetic formula, as well as for the evaluation of individual ingredients,
- support for the notification of the cosmetic product at the Ministry of Health;
- support for the centralized notification of the cosmetic product at the European Commission (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal, CPNP);
- preparation of the Product Information File (PIF) of the cosmetic product complying with the EC Regulation n.1223 / 2009. Replacing the old "cosmetic dossier", it becomes mandatory for the placing on the market of the product;
- preparation of the report on the product safety in accordance with the EC Regulation n.1223 / 2009, containing the challenge test results to verify the microbiological stability of the product;
- support for the certification EN ISO 22716: 200 providing the granting of certification of conformity. The certificate of conformity allows companies to meet the European requirement according to which the cosmetic product must be manufactured in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP certification).